Preserving, restoring, and revitalizing 53 acres of precious bayfront into a blue & green oasis.

At The Bay, the environment and sustainability is thoughtfully considered, embraced and improved - every step of the way.

Designed to Improve

Denitrification trenches, baffle boxes and other park infrastructure capture, hold, and treat more than 70 million gallons of stormwater that pass through the site annually before it flows into the bayou and bay.

Flora & Fauna Return to The Bay

After the thorough dredging and restoration of the Mangrove Bayou in 2021, flocks of Ibis, schools of fish, seagrasses, manatees, and more returned to The Bay's coastal mangroves and waters.

Rescued Trees Planted Throughout the Park

In 2021, an on-site tree nursery rescued, protected, and relocated dozens of trees that would otherwise have been cut down.

In 2022, those trees were replanted throughout the new park.

Building a Resilient Shoreline at The Bay

The opening of a half-mile stretch of living and resilient shoreline enables nature to handle storm surge and solve the problems created by powerful storms when they happen.

 “The goal of The Bay is to allow nature to solve problems created by storms, rather than trying to apply man-made solutions. The sand will ebb and flow and the coastline will respond – just as nature intended it to.”

Chief Implementation Officer
The Bay Park Conservancy